Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A New Beginning

Have you ever felt like you were kicked in the nuts by your job?  I realize that’s a brash question but anyone who has felt slighted by their employer knows that’s the exact feeling you get in the pit of your stomach.  If you’re a woman I know this analogy isn’t exactly relatable but I’m sure my point isn’t lost. 

I’ve worked at the same retail company for four years now and for those four years have given everything I have to help better the business.  I’m trained to do every position necessary and usually find myself taking on multiple roles during the day.  I do the tasks I’m assigned and pride myself on doing them above expectation.  Bottom line, I consider myself, as most probably do (and most are probably accurate for doing so), a great employee.  During my annual review we came to the portion where the reviewing manager tells me what kind of a raise they feel I have earned.  Keep in mind no one, excluding management of course, received a raise for the past two years, no matter how well they performed.  I was informed that, to this company, I am worth 23¢ more than I was two years ago.

I was faced with a tough question.  What do you do when you’ve been told that for all your effort in helping to make money for a company they’re only grateful enough to give you 23¢ more an hour?  My answer was to start a blog.  The goal of this blog is not to trash the company and bring it down one customer at a time.  This is, in fact, the only time I ever plan on mentioning my current job.  The purpose of this blog is to inspire, both myself and you, the reader, to be creative.  Since the economy started dipping a couple years ago we have seen an influx, both on a local and national level, of new ideas and concepts, new ways of doing things, new businesses, etc.  I truly believe that this recession happened for a reason.  It helped to bring about a change that was needed in the way that we, the world, see and do everything.  It helped people to start finding their creativity again.  Helped people to start dreaming and taking chances again.

So, what is Duct Tape & Bacon all about?  Duct Tape is an amazing invention and I love it.  Bacon...well bacon might have to be discussed in a post all by itself.  Let’s just say that I have an almost unhealthy love of bacon.  Who doesn’t love bacon?!  Two amazing things helping to make the world better one piece at a time.  My posts will be about anything and everything. 

If you have a suggestion or an observation about something, anything, please e-mail it to me at ducttapebacon@gmail.com

- Justin

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